Rape - still
Weir - extract

1990, 3 minutes
The bright yellow fields of oil-seed rape in the spring country side. The first images shot with a new video 8 camera and re-edited with a very primitive programmable editing system. A little homage to the mathematical editing of some Kurt Kren films.
1993, 1 minutes 15 seconds
An encounter with a small man-made waterfall – firstly seen as a sculptural form then in ultra close-up and slow motion of the movement of falling water.
A new three screen version completed in 2007.
1993, 1 minute 30 seconds
Single notes recorded on a piano and cut to different melodic? Sequences – but also wine and oysters.
Prelude - still

1993, 2 minutes 20 seconds
A primitive driving simulation – racing at Monza – but breaking the rules after skidding of the track then driving in the opposite direction only to crash head-on. Led to the essay "Kismet Protagony and the Zap Splat Syndrome" first published in 1993
(see Writing).
Race - still

Warsaw Window
1994, 2 minutes
In a high window I watch the square below – I still wonder what became of the lovers who embraced there under the street lights over 20 years ago.
Warsaw Window - still

Cidre Bouche
191994, 1 minute 20 seconds
An annual cider festival in a Brittany village. The apples crushed in an old machine but in editing I became entranced by the background of live music preparing for the evening dancing. Colour pushed like an old colour post-card.
Cidre Bouche - still

Balcony Water Colour
1994, 3 minutes
Colour - Water –Rain – not a water colour – bougainvillea in extreme close-up – touching the lens – swimming pool below in the dark.
Balcony Water Colour - still

Seeing the Future
1994, 1 minute
China Town in Montreal – a bric-a-brac stall – a crystal ball – really just a piece of glass.
Seeing the Future - still

Out of the Crypt
1995, 12 minutes
Abstract colour from an early encrypted TV programme videoed directly from the screen – Niagara Falls is also there.
Out of the Crypt - still

For the Benefit of Mr K
1995, 1 minute
For the Beatles and Franz Kafka – what has K's small house to do with the Trial or theCastle?
For the Benefit of Mr K - still

Chronos Fragmented
1995, 55 minutes
Transmitted on Channel 4, 17 July 1997
A long work comparing widely separated fragments of experience over three continents – the human scale and awareness of a single planet – but with the stupidity of ever present killing and masacre – here it was Bosnia - but it could be anywhere somewhere in the last few decades
Chronos Fragmented - still

Joseph's New Coat - still
Joseph's Newer Coat
1998, 16 minutes
This work is the first video version based on the changing colour field film-loop work (Joseph’s Coat of 1973). All the treatments were made by an analogue video mixer combined with re-videoing from the screen exploring different camera angles.
Joseph's Newer Coat (6)
1998, 16 minutes, three screen video

Even the Cyclops Pays the Ferryman - still
Even the Cyclops Pays the Ferryman
1998, 17 minutes, three screen video
Transmitted Channel Four 17 July 1997