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Books as Author:


"Abstract Film and Beyond"

Studio Vista 1977 ISBN 0-289 70591 6; MIT 1977 ISBN 0 262 12077 1.

Second edition MIT 1981 ISBN 0262 62038 3; Greek translation pub. Ekdozeiz Kaztanioth. 1982


"Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age"

BFI Publications, London 2001 ISBN 0-85170-873-0

Sections in Books:


"Computer Animation"

ed. John Hallas, Focal Press 1974. Pages 161-168, ISBN 0 240 50750 9

"Independent Film Making"

Lenny Lipton, Post-script to UK version, Studio Vista 1974

"Film im Underground"

pp 176-182 Hein, Ulstein 1975   ISBN 3 548 02817 9


Main Theoretical Essays or Chapters in Books:


"Outline for a Theory of the Development of Television"

Cinemantics Number One, January 1970


"Thoughts on Recent Underground Film"

Afterimage no 4. Autumn 1972, Pages 78-95


"Real time/space, Art and Artists"

December 1972, Pages 39-43


"Presenting Avant-garde Film in London"

Film Video Extra No 3. December 1974


"Material, Material, Materialism"

Canyon Cinema News 78-82, 1978, Pages 15 -18 (Based on paper delivered Buffalo, May 1976)


"Kurt Kren"

Studio International November/December 1975.

Re-printed in Structural Film Anthology (ed. Gidal) BFI Pubs. 1978, pages 56-63

"On the Flicker by Tony Conrad"

Structural Film Anthology (op cit) pages 135-136


"Stan Brakhage and Malcolm Le Grice Debate"

Cinema News 78,3/4, 1978 pages 3-4 and 18-26.

Full transcription of public debate between Brakhage and Le Grice, Boulder Colorado December 1977


"Letters", Peter Gidal and Malcolm Le Grice

Millennium Film Journal, Vol 1 No 2, Spring/Summer 1978, Pages 50-57


"The History We Need" in "Film as Film"

Hayward Gallery Exhibition Catalogue, June 1979, Pages 113 - 117.

Reprinted in "British Avant-Garde Film" ed. Michael O'Pray, Arts Council/ University of Luton Press, 1996 ISBN 1 86020 004 4


"Some Introductory Thoughts on Gidal's Films and Theory"

BFI Publication. File no 1 Nov 1979 'Peter Gidal, Pages 6-9,

Re-printed Millennium Film Journal No 13, Fall 1983, Pages 19-30


"Problematizing the Spectator Placement in Film"

Undercut no 1, March 1981, Pages 13-18 and in Cinema and Language, American Film Institute Monograph Series Vol 1, 1983, Pages 50-62 (conference papers 'Cinema and Language' of March 1979 Milwukee) ISBN 0-89093-583-1.

Reprinted in 'The Undercut Reader' ed N. Danino and M. Maziere, Walflower Press, London, 2003, pp 22-30, ISBN 1 903364 47 7


"Towards Temporal Economy"

Screen Volume 20 3/4 Jan 1980, Pages 58-79



Undercut no 5, July 1982, Pages 27-29


"Narrative Illusion vs Structural Realism"

Malcolm Le Grice and P. Adams Sitney, Millennium Film Journal no 16/17/18 Fall/Winter 1986/7, pages 309-327.

Full transcript of a public debate between Le Grice and Sitney held 19 Dec 1977.


"The Implication of Digital Systems for Cinema Theory"

Conference Papers for Im Off Der Geschichte , Vienna October 1990 and in 'Interfaces - Image - Texte - Language' pub.

Pole de recherche international sur les medias (PRISM) ISSN 1164-6225


"The Place of Theory in Practical Art and Design"

conference paper MATRIX 2 London Institute  March 1993 publised by DALI 1994


"Kismet Protagony and the Zap Splat Syndrome"

CAD Forum No 4, Zagreb, Croatia Conference papers pub.1993 pages 243-247 ISBN 953-96057-0-9

and Millennium Film Journal (New York) 1995 ISSN 1064-5586


"The Chronos Project"

published in Media Scape 3 Zagreb June 1995, and Vertigo no5 1996 ISSN 0968-7904,

and "Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age", BFI Publications, London 2001 ISBN 0-85170-873-0


"Colour Abstraction - Painting - Film - Video - Digital Media"

published in 'La poesie de la couleur" pp 14-26. Louvre Publication September 1995  ISBN  2-9096 1804-8


"Mapping in Multi Space - Vom Expanded Cinema zur Virtualitat"

published in White Cube/Black Box, pp 261-280 E.A. Generali, Wien 1996 ISBN 3 901107 14-2


"Algunos conceptos teoricos para un cine interactive"

published in "Arte en la era electronica" pp 46-52, ACC L'Angelot and Goethe Institute, Barcelona, 1997 ISBN 84-92265-1-X


"Ein Non-Linear Tradition - Experimentalfilm und Digitales Kino"

published in "Katalog 43. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen"pp145-150. ISBN 3-87468-137-8


"Takahiko Iimura - Getting the Measure of Time"

published in " Takahiko Iimura" catalogue for exhibition Lux Cinema, London, September 1998 (no ISBN)


"Kunst im Reich der Hydra-Medien"

published in "Film & Computer - digital media visions" pp 116-127, Deutsches Filmmusaeum, Frakfurt, October 1998, ISBN  3-88799-057-9


"Digital Cinema and Experimental Film - continuities and discontinuities"

published in "Bild - Medium - Kunst", pp 207-218,

ed. Yvonne Spielman and Gundolf  Winter, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, October 1999, ISBN 3-7705-3434-4


"Experimental Film and Digital Media"

in 'Digital Aesthetics', Point issue 11, Spring/Summer 2001, pp 14-23, ISSN 1360-3477


"Improvising time and image"

in Filmwaves Issue 14 1-2001 pp 14-19, ISSN 1460 4051


"Snow Perspective and Time"

in 'Almost Cover to Cover', Arnolfini, Bristol 2001, pp110-119, ISBN 1 901033 18 X


"The State of the Art - Research in the Practical Arts-Doctorates-Autonomous Methodologies" (with Stuart Evans)

in Criticism, legitimacy, transgression, ELIA Journal Vol III Issue 2 and 3. Pub Intellect, Bristol, UK. ISSN  1464-6986, 2001


"Research Training in the Creative and Performing Arts and Design"

co-authored report pub UK Council for Graduate Education, pp 59. ISBN 0 9525751 75. London 2001


"Virtual Reality Tautological Oxymoron"

in 'New Screen Media' - ed. Rieser, Zapp. BFI Publications, London, 2002, pp 227-236, ISBN 0 85170 864 1


"Maintenant et alors -Reflexions et presence"

in Pratiques 14, Automne 2003 - Presses Universitaires de Rennes pp 67-90 ISBN 2-908373-37-8 ISSN 1278-4370


"Three Strands of Experimental Cinema: Abstraction, Symbolism and Existentialism"

in 'Gunvor Nelson and the Avant-Garde' ed John Sundholm pub. Peter Lang Gmbh, Frankfurt am Maine 2003 pp 15-30, ISBN 3-631-51838-2 - US-ISBN 0-8204-6528-3


"Interview - Maxa Zoller with Malcolm Le Grice"

in X-SCREEN Catalogue, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien,  pub. Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Koln 2003, pp 136-147, ISBN 3-88375-761-6


"I Am A Cinematographer" (the films of Owen Land/George)

Landow Frieze Issue 90 April 2005 pp70-71 ISSN 0962  0672


"Isaac Julien" (Exhibition Review)

Frieze Issue 94, October 2005 pp 215-216 ISSN 0962  0672


"Never the Same Again "

in White Heat Cold Logic MIT Press 2010


"Len Lye" (Exhibition Review)

Frieze Issue 139, May 2011. p 141


"Radical Art and the Academy"

in "From Floor to Sky", A&C Black London 2010 pp 134-159 ISBN 978-1-408-11499-5


"History Lessons"

Frieze issue 142, October 2011 pp 222-227



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